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Yesterday we got our Design Studio teams. Of course, the faculty waited until the very end of class to do so; most of us could barely stay in our seats. The anticipation could be seen in every face as the PowerPoint slides slowly advanced. The seniors had heard it all before, and the juniors wished they didn't have to. But at last, the time came. The first team went up. Then the second. Finally, my team was announced.

I will be working on the America First project. Unfortunately, we are all under non-disclosures, so I cannot go into any details of the project, but I can at least provide some clarification on our client - America First is some sort of conglogmeration of real estate companies, and together they own quite a bit of property in the Omaha area, and maybe elsewhere. I am very optimistic about the project, and also my team. The seniors on the project include myself and Matthew Brand, with Bob Kubicek as the team lead. The juniors are Christine Troshynski and Luke Wilson.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 10:54 AM

I went to see The Brothers Grimm today, and I was unimpressed. It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't what I would call good either. The plot was creative, but the acting was sub-par, and clichés were abundant. I don't really think the producers had any specific target audience in mind, and it shows - I don't think any demographic would get much out of it.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 12:45 AM
Filed under: Nebraska, Movies, Lincoln