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These past few days have been... interesting. I have learned a few things about myself and about the world in which I live. I won't go through the details, but I will say that I have learned how valuable my friends are, and also how wonderful. It am truly fortunate.

I am also increasingly aware that this chapter of my life is coming to a close. I am now looking forward to that more than ever. I am ready to say good-bye to Nebraska, and also to school. In fact, I have only 93 days left here, 72 days until I graduate. I have already said good-bye to many of my college friends, and some I may never see again. Others I will see occasionally at best.

This is where I should have some sappy line about how I will be making new friends in the next chapter. However, I will spare you, and just say that I am looking forward to what life is going to throw at me next, for destiny is indeed what you make of it.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 11:04 PM
Filed under: Friends