My apartment building lost power today. For around an hour, I didn't know what to do with myself. Pretty much everything I do depends on electricity. Instead of firing up the laptop, though, I actually found myself thinking "I should save the battery in case I need it later and the power is still out." So, I took a nap instead.
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Summer Begins
I have started summer school. In a week, I am already a fifth through one of my classes - Finance 867, a class on options and futures.
Anyway, when I am not doing that, I am playing Oblivion. I started that last week, and I am already in for about forty hours. What can I say - it's quite addicting.
New Apartment
I am now all set to move into my new apartment. It's a very nice place; it's amazing how cheap it is to live in Nebraska. Still, I am thankful I will only be here for a year. The apartment is a couple miles from campus, but definitely within biking distance (though it may seem much further when winter comes). My roommate Eric Graber and I will be able to move in on the 1st of May. The building itself is very new, and the place is very clean. I already have all of my furniture planned. My parents will be bringing out quite a bit when they come for graduation.