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In the past week, I have been witness to three car accidents. The first was my mother backing over my poor 1996 Honda Civic with a very large 2006 Toyota Tundra. Twice. I was not actually there when it happened; my dad, brother and I were having dinner with my grandparents when I got the phone call. She managed to hit the bumper, hood, headlight, and left front fender. Surprisingly, this only amounted to around $1500. The car is still in the shop, but I should get it back this coming Friday.

The other two accidents were less than a mile from my house, but luckily did not involve me. When I passed by the second one, I saw a man or woman laying on the grass, and a few people had stopped to help. The emergency crew weren't there yet, but I then passed a fire truck, ambulance, and two police cars on their way; apparently it was serious. The third accident happened blocks from the second. The small truck in front of me apparently didn't see the brake lights in front of it; the driver slammed on his brakes and swerved trying not to hit the car in front of him. He was nearly successful, but managed to nick a taillight. Both cars pulled over, and I drove by.

These incidents made me realize how lucky I am to have never been in a real accident.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 7:37 AM
Filed under: Colorado, Family, Home

I am currently undertaking the age-old task of painting the inside of my house. It is proving to be very time consuming, however, as not only do I have to paint the walls, but I also have to paint the trim and doors. When I moved in, the trim and doors were white, and the walls were a slightly different cream color. I am leaving the trim and doors nearly the same color, but I am trying to differentiate the walls and give the house a bit more character. I have thus far completed my office upstairs, minus the doors and closet. That alone took me three and a half days. At my current rate of progress, it is going to take me forever to finish the house, all of which is in need of paint. I am also faced with the problem of very high vaulted ceilings in the living room, dining room and kitchen. I am considering hiring out that portion of the project. I am looking forward to completing the project, but I have decided painting is definitely not something I enjoy.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 3:11 PM
Filed under: Home

I officially closed on my new house yesterday evening. After some initial trouble locating the meeting place, signing a gigantic pile of documents from the title company, signing still more documents from both real estate agents, and briefly talking to the previous owners, I was finally given keys and garage door openers to my new place. I brought a small load down with me, but the bulk of the move is still to come. I'm hoping to get most of my stuff down there this coming weekend, but the bed I purchased yesterday is a four-week custom order, so until then I'll either be going back to Loveland every week or sleeping on an air mattress. I've also got Home Depot coming out to install some tile in one of the bathrooms, and the washer and dryer are coming this saturday, along with my precious Internet connection. I've still got plenty of furniture and other goodies to buy, so I'm definitely looking forward to that. Unfortunately, the place could probably use some paint on the walls, so I'm definitely not looking forward to that. At any rate, it's going to be quite the adventure, and it is definitely great to be out on my own.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 10:55 PM
Filed under: Home