Slide 1 of 50
- Mud pot.
- Mud pot.
- Crusty mud pot.
- Turquoise pool.
- Turquoise pool.
- Bleached tree.
- Bleached tree.
- Bleached tree.
- Steamy pond.
- Steamy trail.
- Trees meet geothermal water.
- Trees meet geothermal water.
- Steamy blue pond.
- Steamy blue pond.
- Steamy blue pond.
- Microbial growth.
- Microbial growth.
- Microbial growth.
- Microbial growth.
- Microbial growth.
- Microbial growth.
- Trees meet geyser runoff.
- Brown, yellow and blue pool.
- Spouting geyser.
- Spouting geyser.
- Steam vent.
- Small blue pool.
- Lime green pool.
- Yellow, green and blue pool.
- Yellow, green and blue pool.
- Yellow, green and blue pool.
- Steam vent.
- Deep blue pool.
- Dead trees in geyser runoff.
- Dead trees in geyser runoff.
- Dead trees in geyser runoff.
- Steamy pool.
- Steamy pool.
- Steam rising.
- Steam rising.
- Steam rising.
- Dragon's Mouth.
- Dragon's Mouth.
- Mud pond.
- Mud pond.
- Mud pond.
- Yellowstone Grand Canyon.
- Yellowstone Grand Canyon.
- Lower Yellowstone Falls.
- Lower Yellowstone Falls.