Slide 1 of 50
- Linh Chi pushing the elevator button.
- Linh Chi playing.
- Linh Chi and Nhu.
- Linh Chi and Nhu.
- Linh Chi and Nhu.
- Linh Chi having fun with a glass of water.
- Linh Chi having fun with a glass of water.
- Linh Chi having fun with a glass of water.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset over the Midway.
- Sunset over the Midway.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset over the Midway.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sailor and his girl.
- Sail boat at sunset.
- Sunset at the pier.
- Sunset at the pier.
- The waterfront.
- Keeping radios cool.
- Three eng.
- Guages.
- Guages.
- Nick behind bars.
- Plane propellor.
- Levers.
- Machine room.
- Nhu on the pier.
- Nhu on the pier.
- Pelican.
- Pelican.
- Pelican.
- Pelican.
- Sailboat in the sun.
- Helicopter.
- Helicopter.
- Sailboat in the sun.
- Nhu on the pier.
- Ocean Beach.
- Ocean Beach Pier.
- Ocean Beach Pier.
- Ocean Beach Pier.
- Ocean Beach Pier.
- Ocean Beach Pier.