Slide 1 of 50
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Uncle Bob, Justin and Taylor at the beach.
- Uncle Bob, Justin and Taylor at the beach.
- Uncle Bob, Justin and Taylor at the beach.
- Uncle Bob at the beach.
- Justin Lawson at the beach.
- Aunt Kathy at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Aunt Kathy, Justin and Uncle Bob at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Felix and Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Felix and Taylor Lawson at the beach.
- Uncle Bob at the beach.
- Christine and Taylor at the beach.
- Christine, Aunt Kathy and Taylor at the beach.
- Christine, Aunt Kathy and Taylor at the beach.
- Felix, Nhu and Thu at Shiprock.
- Felix, Nhu and Thu at Shiprock.
- Felix, Nhu and Thu at Shiprock.
- Dad taking a picture.
- Uncle Taylor at Christmas.
- Papa Dale at Christmas.
- Grandma Gerri at Christmas.
- Papa Dale at Christmas.
- Uncle Taylor at Christmas.
- Grandma Gerri at Christmas.
- Papa Dale at Christmas.