Slide 1 of 50
- Leaves at dawn.
- Vertical yellow.
- Vertical yellow.
- Vertical yellow.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Vertical yellow.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves from the road.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Leaves against the sky.
- Rainy fall in Poudre Canyon.
- Rainy fall in Poudre Canyon.
- Rainy fall in Poudre Canyon.
- Rabbit Ears in the fall.
- Rabbit Ears in the fall.
- Rabbit Ears in the fall.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Felix jumping.
- Felix and Daddy on a rock.
- Felix and Daddy on a rock.
- Daddy holding Felix.
- Daddy holding Felix.
- Mommy holding Felix.
- Mommy holding Felix.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- Fall in the Flat Tops.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- Fall on the White River.
- White River aspen.
- White River aspen.
- Aspen of Grand Mesa.
- Aspen of Grand Mesa.
- Aspen of Grand Mesa.
- Aspen of Grand Mesa.