Slide 1 of 50
- A building with pillars.
- Another street.
- More buildings, outside the church.
- Another shot of the clock.
- Another shot of the clock.
- Another shot of the clock.
- Another shot of the clock.
- The old clock inside the church.
- More stained glass.
- More stained glass.
- More stained glass.
- Inside the church at the top of the hill near downtown.
- The street that goes underneath some old buildings.
- Another building.
- Another street, on the outskirts of town.
- Another shot of the church.
- The side of the church.
- The top of another church.
- Another park downtown.
- Another shot of the building.
- The building beyond the fence.
- A fancy fence.
- Inside the park.
- Another shot of the mountain.
- The skate park.
- The apartments and the mountain.
- Apartments near the CLA.
- This mountain overlooks the city.
- Another shot of the trees.
- Trees in the park by the CLA.
- A bridge across the river.
- The old building of the university.
- Another segment of the river.
- A modern sculpture in front of a not-so-modern backdrop.
- Another street lined with lights.
- Christmas lights down the street.
- The Besançon Christmas tree.
- A street in town at night.
- Another segment of the river.
- An impressive figure in an arch in the church.
- Another angle in the cathedral.